THE 420 KUSH BOX - what the cool kids want for the holidays this year
We are all about staying ahead of the curve here at High! Canada and we have been taking notice of a new craze hitting the streets via the mean green internet machine...
I saw it first in the Comic Book industry - special boxes full of cool superhero related merch and harder-to-find items. Stuff you would not find unless you were really looking . All packed up in a nice box and shipped to your door.
How cool was that?
I wished at the time that someone could apply this simple concept to cannabis culture and then - before you know it - I started seeing them. There are a few of them out there but I am going to focus on one of the better ones because the 420 Kush box is an answer to this stoner's dreams. The 420 Kush Box from The Ministry of Cannabis is a powerful promotional tool formanufacturers, distributors, retailers and e-commerce marketers, offering the opportunity to showcase their products and services directly to a highly targeted and motivated audience.
At - analysis of the Medical Marijuana market sector indicates massive growth potential, as more and more start-ups enter the market and established businesses compete for exposure a n d m a r k e t s h a r e , t h e requirements for cost effective, high profile and micro-targeted promotion campaigns such as The Ministry of Cannabis’s 420 KushBox membership program are set to realize exponential growth rates.
For the nominal fee of $30 members receive a gift box containing 6-8 premium items with a minimum total retail value of $250 also included in the 420 Kush Box are the cool the Ministry of Cannabis ’ membership card and an even cooler certificate as well as special offer coupons.
The 420KushBox is the most exciting offer since the invention of subscription gift boxes.
I got a bunch of cool items and I can guarantee I will put each item to good use.