High! Canada was represented at a number of 420 Celebrations across Canada this week and after we finished up with all of the events and after parties and pre-events and post-events and off the clock sessions with soooo many cool people from across Canada - we finally had a chance to stop and rest our feet and reflect.
We realized that this year's celebrations were truly among the biggest and the best we have ever seen - Aside from the throngs of people at large urban settings we also saw many MANY smaller cities hosting their very own. Shout outs to smaller cities like Brantford and Hamilton here in Ontario and across the country in Victoria BC, Granny Grass sent back glowing reports of a smaller city enthusiastically celebrating the 420 there. Reports from Eva and her team in Vancouver report "the most laid back, socially conscious crowd in years with not one but two different outdoor venues". In Toronto, Rick and Marcus and their Toronto team took the square by storm as more people than we have ever and I mean EVER seen in that location were smoking, toking and vaping as they crammed into the entirety of the square - shoulder to shoulder - good thing everyone was so mellow because once you entered the event space after 2pm it was almost impossible to move. No one seemed to mind to much and in light of the announcement that the Federal Government officially stated they would legalize by spring 2017 - the mood was especially festive. The only complaint we heard from Toronto was how they had outgrown the space. Many felt this event had outgrown the constrictions of Dundas Square - overflowing now onto every nook and surface of surrounding sidewalk - personally I like the analogy of 'outgrowing the space'.
Maybe High Park next year? In any case we cannot wait - see you on May 7th at the Global Marijuana March!