High! Canada's Picks for Top TEN in Canada in 2016
Since our inception, High! Canada has been about letting our readers know what is out there in the current Canadian marketplace in terms of quality cannabis-related goods and services and have been taking careful notes on as many businesses in the Canadian cannabis industry that we have been able to connect with and find out about. There are some really amazing companies out there and to be honest it takes alot to stand out in the crowd. Especially this crowd.
We spent last few weeks - well - really most of the first few months of 2017 were spent looking back at 2016 and discussing among our editorial team and our comprehensive list of representatives and consultants the best of the previous year. We combed extensively through consumer opinions and after looking at 100's of related cannabis-based businesses - High! Canada is pleased to announce that we have named our top ten companies of 2016.
We looked at public opinion, involvement in the Canadian Cannabis market, national product appeal and overall marketing as our general criteria. It was a little more difficult determining the best dispensary and there was much debate on this - it was ultimately decided that the model Okanagan Cannabinoid Therapy came out ahead hands down for doing it right. Not only a consistent Leafly top three placeholder in 2016 Okanagan Cannabinoid Therapies follows a strict adherence to testing, a commitment to not only its clients but to its community as well as it's commitment to Kyla's Quest. With this chain of shops working with thier municipalities on moving together in a positive way - Okanagan Cannabinoid Therapies is lighting the way and showing an entire country how to do it right.
We are pleased as anything to list these companies as our picks for Top Ten in Canada in 2016 and we will be spreading the word far and wide over the next few weeks leading up to 420 as well as covering the top ten in our April issue.
Once again, Thank you to all the companies involved for being a company that people trust, that people refer to their friends to and that people rely on to get the very best product and service available.
Sincere thanks from High! Canada Magazine.