The December Issue Of High! Canada Magazine & Our Special Gift Giving Guide Holiday Inserts Are

The December issue of High! Canada Magazine is now Available for digital downloads off our website and off our sites.
Featuring interviews with legendary Cannabis Advocate Jamie Shaw, cannabis advocate Bree Leigh and a sit down with the Founder of Strainprint - Stephanie Karasick. We also look at a Cannabis Christmas with Irie Selkirk, Canada's ten best Cannabis themed events in 2017 and end our year out by looking back at both the province of Alberta and all the growth it has gone through and the creation of the first hemp battery.

This issue features our Annual Gift Giving Guide insert which features the High! Canada editorial teams favorite suggestions for holiday gift giving.
Featuring products from companies like Homegrown Hydroponics, Medigreen, Miss Envy, Koko & Kai Custom Jewellery, Juju Joints and more - our annual guide is full of awesome gift suggestions!